Amazing Vagina Facts That You Should Know

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This article explores vagina facts you should have known a long time ago.

The vagina is called different names depending on which part of the world you live in. Your “vajayjay”, “Toto” or any colloquial name you refer it to is not only important for childbirth (human reproduction) but also plays a major role in sexual satisfaction FYI when we talk of sexual satisfaction, we mean orgasm!

Vagina as its generally known is a highly underappreciated and still remains a sensitive topic for the female population, with a little or no information.

Presumptions on how the vagina should smell or look, function sexually or shape after childbirth are 90% false.

This article explores amazing vagina facts that you should have known a long time ago

1. It is not a vagina

The word “vagina” for generations has been used to describe the woman’s private/female genitalia. But what if I told you, you’ve been wrong all your life? Drum roll please!!  It’s not a vagina but a vulva. [the visible area that includes the clitoris, inner & outer labia, urethra and vaginal opening].

2. Most women weren’t born with Hymen

According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist studies show that not every woman is born with a hymen.

Hymen range in thickness and amount of coverage. Most women are born with little or no mucosal tissue. Even if you were born with me, activities such as playing sports as a child, riding a horse, using tampons or even random medical procedure can break it. Meaning not seeing blood during first time sex doesn’t mean you’ve had sex before

3. Your hymen doesn’t indicate virginity

There’s been a lot of myth surrounding the relationship between the hymen and virginity. It’s long been thought as a sign of purity, especially in continents like Africa.

This is totally incorrect-a few percentage of women are born with little or no hymeneal tissue. Others break theirs in multiple ways either playing sports or riding a bicycle etc. which is totally normal. That said, your hymen does not indicate you’ve had sex.

According to the World Health Organization “Virginity Testing” has no scientific or clinical basis”. the organization has also called for its elimination.

4. Your vagina isn’t a flower, stop expecting it to smell like one

Your vagina scent is unique to you and carries throughout the month – depending on your menstrual cycle, health status, hydration (water intake) with other factors including gland secretions, level of hygiene, personal blend of internal bacteria.

Although, a slight scent to your vagina is normal – any noticeable foul or unusual odor should be checked out by your ob/gyn. This is could be a sign of an infection.

5. Your vagina is what you eat

If you pay too much attention to your scent down there. It’s worth knowing that what you eat affects your scent. Consuming foods which help keep the vagina within the range 3.8 to 4.5 is considered good. Why? A pH below or above the normal range can lead to bad odor, infections etc.

Foods such as probiotics, yoghurt and cranberries are considered good for the vagina. It’s worth knowing fruits such as grapefruit, oranges and pineapple can actually sweeten vaginal fluids. Excess intake form of vegetable (onions, garlic, curry) gives your vagina an onion/garlic-like smell. A simple change in your food pattern reduces the smell.

6. Vaginal penetration alone doesn’t guarantee orgasm

Studies show that about 18% of women do not reach orgasm from vaginal penetration alone. Another research by Högemann and Druet report that only 25 to 35 percent of heterosexual women are satisfied from vaginal penetration.

Its important you explore other ways of achieving orgasm for example clitoral stimulation. Clitoral orgasm is totally achievable. The clitoris is highly sensitive and is responsible for sexual pleasure when stimulated.

Some women experience both clitoral and vaginal stimulation at the same time -blended orgasm. Others do no experience any type of orgasm and many rarely get all the way to orgasm – which is perfectly normal.

7. Vaginal Discharge is totally normal.

Vaginal discharge is normal in women. The amount and quality (odor and color) vary depending on that time in your menstrual cycle. Your cervical fluid aka vaginal discharge can range in color from clear to a milky white-ish.

A milky-whitish, opaque and creamy color is usually seen at the beginning of the menstrual cycle. When close to ovulation, the discharge becomes wet and clear with a stretchy texture.

8. Don’t shave your pubes! They have a purpose

They might not seem womanly but pubic hair do have a purpose. According to Dr. Gerber to GLAMOUR “It serves as a protective barrier to genital tissues, particularly the sensitive vaginal opening, as well as providing a protective barrier, it also acts a buffer against friction. Shaving can leave tiny and microscopic wounds on the skin, temporarily rising one’s end risk of infections”

9. Vaginas are self-cleaning

The vagina produces natural fluids that help flush out bad bacteria and maintain a healthy pH. Avoid douching or soaps – they alter the vagina pH and cause infections by ridding the vagina of important bacteria.

Regular douching has been linked to high risk of ectopic pregnancy, bacterial vaginosis and pelvic inflammatory infections according to Dr. Gerber to GLAMOUR.

10. Your vagina can get “Wet” without being sexually aroused.

Surprisingly, vaginas get wet for a bunch of reasons other than sexual arousal. The most common cause of vaginal wetness include

  • everyday vaginal fluid
  • Hormonal changes
  • infections
  • sexual arousal

Sometimes, vaginas automatically produce lubrication when they’re touched without being aroused – termed arousal non-concordance.

Every woman experiences this which can be very confusing at times. Rape and sexual assault are disturbing examples of arousal non-concordance where vaginal wetness is considered as a signal of arousal and enjoying. For women, the biggest part of arousal occurs in the mind and has to be verbalized.

11. The clitoris and penis are twins

The clitoris is the most sensitive erogenous zones due to its high concentration of nerve endings. While the clitoris is the same size with penis, the concentration of nerve endings is twice the amount present in the penis.

The clitoris has more than 8000 nerve endings while the penis has a total of 4000 nerve endings. No wonder the clitoris is considered the most essential part of sexual pleasure. It also explains why clitoral orgasm is more intense than that of a penis.

The clit also gets aroused like boners when turned on. Like penises, when aroused the clitoris becomes engorged with blood and grows in size.

12. Your vagina doubles in size

The vagina grows in size when aroused. Average length of an aroused vagina is 3 to 4cm deep. This length expands twice its size during sex i.e. when arouses. This phenomenon is called “vaginal tenting” and it’s totally normal in women.

13. Your vagina may not change after childbirth

During childbirth the vagina, as its designed to do stretches to accommodate a baby.  According to the the vagina may get looser after having a baby – as a result of pelvic floor muscles around the vagina getting stretched. This isn’t a problem as the vagina snaps back to its original shape.

Slight changes in the vagina depends on several factors such as

  • •complications during pregnancy
  • size of your baby
  • •number of babies you’ve delivered vaginally.

The good news is that you can keep your vagina muscles toned and healthy by practicing Kegel exercises. According to Dr. Gerber to GLAMOUR “pretend that you’re in an elevator and your trying to pass out gas, but your trying to prevent it” that way she says, you’ll activate all the muscles on the floor.

14. Orgasms help relieve menstrual cramps

Here’s another reason to explore period sex. Orgasms may relieve menstrual cramps. Menstrual cramp occurs when the muscles in the uterus contract or tighten.  When you have orgasmed the muscles of the uterus contracts and releases – bringing relief. Also, endorphin released during sex boost pleasure – resulting in a state of comfort and wellbeing.

15. You can’t lose anything in your vagina – including a tampon

A tampon can’t get lost in your vagina. Why? The vagina is bounded by the cervix and the vagina’s tissue. Meaning your vagina is not connected to any part of the body – as the cervix remains closed until childbirth -also too small for a tampon to pass through. However, there’s been numerous cases of tampons being stuck deep inside the vagina as a result of

  • forgetting about an already inserted tampon
  • inserting a new tampon before removing the old one
  • Having sexual intercourse with a tampon already inserted

In a scenario like this your healthcare provider could help you remove it easily. It is totally safe if you try to remove of yourself.

16. Women get “blue balls”

For those who do not know, blue balls is the pain that comes after prolonged sexual arousal without an ejaculation in men. Surprisingly, women do get their own version of blue balls also known as “pink balls” or “blue walls”.

17. Vaginas need rest – especially after childbirth

Doctors advise you need six weeks to recover from palm and inflammation after vaginal delivery or C -section. Rest also includes taking a break from sexual intercourse as the vagina heals.

18. Size and location of your clitoris is important for orgasm

According to a study published 13, February 2014 show that having a small clitoris have a hard time orgasming during penetrative sex.

19. Two vaginas can’t smell the same

Yes! Every woman has her own unique scent. Different factors contribute to this

  • level of hygiene
  • personal diet
  • type of fabric worn
  • gland secretions
  • personal blend of internal bacteria

20. When you’re pregnant, the vagina secretes a lot of discharge

Expect an increased amount of discharge during pregnancy. This is important to protect you and your unborn child from infection. For the first weeks of pregnancy, the discharge ranges from thin and clear to milky colored. A pinkish color is observed in the final weeks.

Note: Discharge shouldn’t have a chunky texture or a fishy, pungent smell. See a doctor immediately.

21. Vaginas are self-lubricating

The vagina naturally produces lubrication that helps facilitate sexual activity. When aroused it produces extra lubrication. Want more? Use a lube.

22. Some women have two vaginas

Uterus didelphys is a rare abnormality in which women actually have two vaginal canals. This condition occurs during development as a fetus and affected baby girls are born with it. Although, people with two vaginas can still get pregnant and have a baby, there’s a higher risk for miscarriage and preterm labor than a woman with one vagina.

23. Vagina also changes color

When sexually aroused, blood rushes to the vulva and vagina – making the surrounding skin appear darker

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