“Detox” has become one of the world’s overused terminology. Today there are a lot of detox tea to diet detox. So what does detox mean? Detox generally refers to a process of abstaining or getting rid of toxic and unhealthy substances.
Everyday, we expose our skin to toxins in our environment, stress, lifestyle choices (smoking), inappropriate use of cosmetic products – causing product buildup on the skin. This constant exposure gives the skin a dull appearance with more occurrence of breakouts (aka pimples), hence, the need for skin detoxification.
It’s a common belief that detoxification is more about removing toxins from the skin’s surface. According to Dr. Fayne Frey, MD to healthline “There’s no such thing as skin detox from a medical perspective.” The skin has no ability to remove toxins-instead toxins are removed via the liver and kidneys. Although many products claim to be able to detox the skin 100% – the truth is that these products remove dirt from the face not necescrubs y toxins.
To achieve a glowing and healthy skin, there are a few strategies you can take like facial detox involving a deep cleansing. Eating lots of fruits and vegetables as well as drinking at least 8 (eight) glasses of water a day helps your skin flush out toxins naturally.
Deep cleansing

Cleansing should be part of your skin care routine – both morning and night. Cleansing helps to remove cosmetic build up on your skin. Dr. Ross Perry medical director of Cosmedics UK to health line “A gentle cleansing foam should suffice, followed by a toner if skin is particularly oily and a light moisturizer.” Dr. Perry also advice’s the use of SPF (sun protection factor) of at least 30 every morning.
After cleansing and moisturizing add skincare products formulated to treat your specific skin care needs. Read more; The Ultimate SkinCare Routine.
Exfoliate at Least Once a Week

Exfoiliating helps to get rid of dull, dead skin cells and toxins that your skin is purging. Avoid harsh exfoilators, for example; physical exfoilation with scrubs and brushes – they easily cause breakouts especially if you have dry sensitive skin. Use a gentle exfoilator to bring back your clear and youthful complexion. Exfoilating your skin at least once a week for sensitive skin, twice a week for oily skin help increase the effectiveness of skincare products.
Add a detoxifying agent to your skin regimen

Skincare ingredients like vitamin c, charcoal and bentonite clay are classified as detoxifying agents. They generally help protect the skin from free radicals damage, refine pores and balance your skin tone.
Hydrate Hyrdate Hydrate

Keeping your skin’s moisture level optimal is an essential part of a detox regimen and shouldn’t be neglected. Hydration helps maintain your skin’s elasticity and prevents premature aging. To improve the appearance of your skin, directly opt for moisturizers that contain Hyaluronic Acid or Sodium Hyaluronate. Drinking at least 8 glasses of water or water-based beverages daily goes a long way making the skin appear plump and supple.