Cardi B arrived at the 2023 Grammy Awards wearing not one, but two eye-catching outfits. The rapper donned the first, a sculptural blue gown by Indian designer Gaurav Gupta, on the red carpet. Cardi switched out the eye-catching dress for another piece of art when it was her turn to give an award at the ceremony, this time by the recently deceased Spanish designer Paco Rabanne.
READ MORE: Paco Rabanne Passes Away At Age 88
Cardi changed into a dress made of sharp reflective strips strung together as she took the stage tonight to present the prize for Best Rap Album, which went to Kendrick Lamar for Mr. Morale & the Big Steppers. This look was taken from the Paco Rabanne spring/summer 2021 ready-to-wear runway and expertly merged futuristic design with medieval armor.
The 65th Annual Grammy Awards: Every Red-Carpet Look
She donned a chain-mail headgear with metal strips that partially hid her face, a silver cuff bracelet, and metallic platform heels, which only added to the drama.
Julien Dossena, who took over as creative director in 2014, created this particular look for the Fall/Winter 2020 collection, yet the dress echoed the historic house’s distinctive futuristic flair. In fact, the brand is renowned for producing the 1968 Barbarella outfit worn by Jane Fonda.
Late last week, the fashion brand posted on Instagram that their creator had passed away, stating, “The House of Paco Rabanne would like to pay tribute to its founder and visionary designer, who died today at the age of 88. His legacy will continue to serve as a permanent source of inspiration. He is one of the most important people in fashion history.”