The most astute collectors of fashion make Chanel bag purchases. According to a recent research, Chanel handbags are among the things that provide the best inflation protection, along with traditional Chinese artwork and expensive watches. Those created by Karl Lagerfeld are the most sought-after and may increase in value by up to 17% during years of high inflation, according to the study.
Katie Holmes is a pro at making investments; her newfound energy this summer is evident in her outfit. This week, she was spotted in New York carrying a little Chanel flap bag. She was sporting boxy white tank top, twin C-pattern rear pockets on Chanel loose trousers, a cropped black jacket, and pointed shoes.
Katie has a variety of Chanel accessories in addition to the flap bag. She was photographed carrying a mint-green flap bag in January, a cherry-red Chanel vanity case on the red carpet in the fall, the 19 bag, and a slouchy hobo tote.