Carrie Bradshaw (portrayed by Sarah Jessica Parker), the signature stylish character of HBO’s acclaimed series, continues to inspire top-tier sartorial inspiration 25 years after her portrayal in the iconic character of Sex and the City. And once again, SJP taped into the plethora of whimsical fashion ideas to celebrate her new collaboration with jewelry label Lele Sadoughi, showcasing a stunning capsule collection of glamorous shoe clips and matching accessories.
Sarah Jessica Parker wore a vintage-inspired royal purple velvet dress and a textured white overcoat at the collaboration event at Italian hot spot Ambra in Manhattan’s West Village New York. She paired the dress with a white shoulder bag and black and white polka-dot peep-toe pumps. Completing the look with diamond stud earrings and a slicked-back ballerina bun, adding a touch of glamour with a sparkly dark smoky eye and a glossy soft pink lip.
True to form, SJP’s red-carpet wardrobe features A-line dresses and statement pumps, including vibrant floral patterns, crystal-encrusted footwear, and extravagant silhouette staples. No doubt, as we head towards the colder season, we can all embrace a subtle outerwear like SJP for a touch of elegance.