Lace Front Wigs : How to wear without damage

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The fact that lace fronts are meant to help your hairline look more natural is one of the reasons why lace front wigs have lately become popular again. On a lace front, as opposed to wig-cap wigs, the part will appear pretty natural. Most lace front wigs also provide you the ability to adjust the position of your portion, giving you greater versatility than with a typical wig. Because you may wear any color you like without harming your hair, wigs are frequently an excellent option for women searching for styling options. Additionally, you can cut it long or short without having to wait for growth or even touch a set of shears. It’s important to understand the proper front lace wig wear, of course.

And how to wear this kind of wig has a correct method and a very wrong manner. If done incorrectly, it could harm the condition of your own hair and scalp in addition to looking ugly. The adhesive used to hold the actress Countess Vaughn’s wigs in place is what she blames for her severe infection. (It didn’t help either that she disregarded the issue for a while before getting aid.)

For advice from professionals on how to wear a lace front wig without harming your hair and preserve the edges and scalp, continue reading.

Keep Your Natural Hair Secure

To produce a level surface, you can braid longer strands all the way down to your scalp, or you can wrap short hair. Before using any adhesive, make sure all of your own hair is in place; you don’t want to mess up this step because a poor foundation will make the remainder challenging.

Use the Right Adhesive

Using the right kind of adhesive is essential when mastering how to secure a lace front wig. Choose a glue designed especially to hold lace fronts in place. You shouldn’t use craft-oriented glue or, God forbid, lash glue at this time. Perform a patch test before using a new adhesive for the first time to be sure you are not allergic to it. A waterproof adhesive is required if you intend to swim while wearing your wig. If you know you’ll just be wearing your wig for a few days, you can alternatively secure it with double-sided tape.

Remember to give your wig the care it needs.

Just like the hair that grows from our scalps, wigs require maintenance. We frequently overlook the fact that human hair is also used in our wigs. Like our natural strands, they require shampooing, conditioning, detangling, and protection from heat styling. To ensure optimal lifetime, be careful to thoroughly clean both the lace on your wig and the hair in general. Depending on how much styling product and what kind of adhesive you use, the frequency of shampooing and conditioning your wig can change, but it’s best to do it no more frequently than once every two weeks.

Take Care of Your Hair

You might be able to avoid shampooing and conditioning up until the point where you take your wig off if you only wear it for a few weeks at a time. To avoid your natural hair from becoming dry and brittle while wearing extensions for an extended period of time, routine care is necessary. Use a hood or bonnet dryer to completely dry your hair after cleaning your scalp and hair to prevent bacterial growth.

Don’t Wear Your Wig for More Than Six Weeks at a Time

Despite the fact that most specialists think that you should take a break after six weeks, remove it as soon as you like. In fact, some adhesive kinds are only intended for brief periods of time, thus the maximum amount of time you should wear a lace front wig depends in part on the type of glue you use. If you intend to keep your wig on for more than a few weeks at a time, avoid using a temporary glue. However, once the six week period has passed, it’s time to take off the wig and give your hair the post-wig care it requires, including a thorough cleanse, deep conditioning, and moisturizing.

Use gentle removal techniques.

Also, when removing your lace wig, remember that patience is vital and to not do so in a hurry. If you have lace front wigs, remove the adhesive with a special tool. Apply enough of it to the wig to loosen the glue and remove it gradually. Apply extra remover if you experience any resistance and wait a few minutes before attempting again. Avoid causing harm to your skin and hair by taking your time. Remember to thoroughly wash the extra adhesive off the lace after you have properly removed the wig. In addition to shampooing and conditioning your hair, you can use the same designated remover and a little diluted rubbing alcohol if necessary.

Remove your wig while you’re sleeping if you can.

Sleeping with your wig on is not the greatest for your natural hair, despite the fact that it may be convenient. Only the majority of temporary adhesives, such as Got2B Glued Gel ($7.99), function to remove your wig. The lace on a wig’s hairline is secured and blended with the help of this product, a powerful gel that may be securely removed every 1-2 days. Additionally, using less stiff adhesives—like gel and a Wig Grip —to hold your wig in place and take it out at night may be simpler if you engage in activities like working out or live in a humid area. Extra points if your natural hair also gets a break.

Don’t get overly dependent on lace front wigs, however learning how to wear one can make you feel gorgeous and make daily style simple. Wigs are only an accessory, and only you have your own hair. Give your hair the time and care it needs, and a wig will still serve as an addition rather than a substitute for natural hair.

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