Ryan Murphy, the renowned creator behind hit shows like American Horror Story and Pose, is gearing up to delve into the dark and twisted tale of the Menendez brothers in his upcoming project, Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story. This gripping series will bring to life the brutal murders that shocked the nation, exploring the complex psychology behind the heinous crimes committed by Lyle and Erik Menendez in 1989.
Joining this star-studded cast are talented actors such as Cooper Koch, known for his captivating performances in indie films, Nicholas Alexander Chavez, who has been making waves in the television industry, the iconic Chlöe Sevigny, and the legendary Javier Bardem. With such a powerhouse ensemble, viewers can expect nothing short of riveting and intense performances that will leave them on the edge of their seats
READ MORE: Chloë Sevigny Stands Out on the Red Carpet with Her Signature Style
Check out all the red carpet photos from the L.A. premiere of Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story